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Michelle insults Trump: "A liar and racist".

 Former first lady Michelle Obama has spread a long message on Instagram in which she harshly criticizes President Donald Trump, who continues to refuse to recognize the victory of Democratic challenger Joe Biden, denouncing systematic fraud throughout the country. 

Michelle Obama explained how, in 2016, it was not at all easy to recognize The Donald's victory over Hillary Clinton : " Donald Trump had spread racist lies about my husband that had put my family in danger ", underlined the former first lady. It wasn't something I was ready to forgive. But I knew that, for the sake of our country, I had to find the strength and maturity to put my anger aside ." This week, he added, " I have been thinking a lot about where I was four years ago. Hillary Clinton had just suffered a severe defeat by far less than what we've seen this year.

The American people had spoken, " remarked Michelle Obama. And one of the great responsibilities of the presidency is to listen when that happens. So my husband and I have instructed our staff to do what George and Laura Bush did for us: conduct a respectful transition of power. I have to be honest, it's not. was easy. " In short, the former First Lady only needed a lesson in style. Lady Obama speaks openly about the "lies" spread by Donald Trump against her husband - what would they be? - forgetting the partisan and partisan media campaign that the big media have reserved for The Donald, from the very moment he ran for the Republican Party primaries.

The reception of the dem towards Trump? The Russiagate

Progressive media that in recent weeks have surpassed each other, openly cheering for an imminent breakup between Donald Trump and his wife Melania. But when it comes to Trump and Melania, everything is allowed. But are we really sure that Democrats can afford style lessons? As reported by InsideOver in recent weeks, the director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, sent a letter to the chairman of the Senate Justice Commission, Lindsey Graham, regarding the new declassified intelligence documents, according to which Hillary Clinton , then candidate Democrat in the presidency, personally approved an effort "to stir up a scandal against US presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin and hacking the Russians of the Democratic National Committee . " According to his handwritten notes, former CIA director John Brennan would later inform the President Obama and other senior national security officials of the candidate's plan, including Hillary Clinton's " alleged approval, on July 26, 2016, of a proposal by one of her foreign policy advisers, to denigrate Trump by sparking a scandal that reported interference by the Russian security services ".

In essence, Donald Trump was warmly "welcomed" by the Democrats with an artfully packaged phony investigation - the Russiagate - based on alleged Russian interference: an investigation that weighed down his presidency for almost two and a half years.

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